Former deputy President Rigathi Gachagua endured a life threatening experience earlier in the week when he attended a burial ceremony in Limuru. There were hired goons who managed to access the VIP ttent where Gachagua and alloes were sitting and later destroyed it, breaking chairs before they dashed for the Mathira politician and his allies. He had to be shielded by his security team, thereby exposing his vulnerability especially after the removal of his security by the government.
Thefamily had to hurriedly burry their kin as mourners scampered for safety. The family even had to plead with them to come back after the fracas.
Now, the family says that they will have to incur an additional cost of 100,000 that they will pay to those who hired then the tents and chairs. This is for the number of chairs that were broken, that they will have to replace. The family however did not opt to speak to the media citing fear.
By Kenyans