Dennis Mutara is a renowned Kikuyu Gospel Musician who has been missing in the public limelight for some time after he encountered a road accident. Following the road accident, he was advised to go back to Muranga County where he stayed with his mother. While staying with his mother, Dennis sank into depression and he allegedly became an alcoholic. Later some days ago Karangu Muraya who is also a very popular Kikuyu gospel musician visited him only to find him in a very critical condition and he took him to hospital.

Mutara was admitted for one week and later he went back home with his feet and from then he is very well and healthy. Karangu asked Kenyans to pray for him since he needed prayers very much to get back more strong and well. Mutara has been silent all along and some hours ago he posted on his Facebook page apologizing to God talking about what really happened. He said that challenges are bad since sometimes they make someone unable to wait and they also make someone unable to be enjoy life.

By Newshub

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