Education is regarded as the key to success since for you to become a successful person like a doctor, engineer, a pilot, a lawyer or even a politician, you will require to go through education system so that you can acquire the required papers and knowledge for the same.
Photo courtesy; Used for illustration purposes.
Kenya is slowly shifting from old education system, the 8-4-4 system to the current CBC system since the last students under 8-4-4 are now in form one.
Weeks after primary and secondary school students returning back to school after half term, they are expected to close again after finishing the first term for April break.
According to Pre primary, Primary and secondary schools 2024 school calendar, all primary and secondary schools are expected to break on 8th April 2024 for April holiday break and they are expected to rest for eighteen days before returning back for second term on 26th April 2024.
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