For someone who joined the Kenya Defence Forces in 1987, Joint Staff and Command College commandant Major General Eric Kinuthia is now at the sunset years of his glorious military career.

Major General Kinuthia joined KDF during the same intake with the current Chief of Defence Forces General Charles Kahariri.

This means that that they have been in the military for 37 years now, making them among the longest serving.

With a Major General set to retire at 59 years in line with the much revered Tonje Rules, the former Laikipia Air Base commander could be on his way to retirement.

Unless otherwise, his fate could be sealed during the next Defence Council meeting which will be chaired by Defence Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya.

Major General Kinuthia was enlisted into the KDF on 16 March 1987 and commissioned to the rank of Second Lieutenant on 15 April 1988 and posted to Moi Air Base where he commenced his flying career. He graduated as a pilot in March 1990 after which he was posted to Laikipia Air Base. He further trained and qualified as a fighter pilot later on, in May 1999 he graduated as a Qualified Flying Instructor.

In addition, he holds a Masters of Military Science of National Security Strategy from National Defence University-China, Bachelors of Business Management from Mt. Kenya University and a Diploma in Strategic Studies from the University of Nairobi.

Prior to the current appointment, he served as the Director National Air Support Department (NASD) other positions held include the Director of Academic Affairs at National Defence University-Kenya, the Chief of Strategic Plans and Policy at DHQ, Base Commander of Laikipia Airbase (LAB), Deputy Base Commander of LAB and Commanding Officer of the Tactical Fighter Wing in LAB among others.

In 2004 he served in the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) as a Military Observer. He is decorated with the medals of Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) and Silver Star (SS) among others.

By Newshub

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