All eyes will be on the High Court tomorrow as the court is set to rule on the deployment of Police officers to Haiti .

High Court Judge Chacha Mwita will be delivering rulling on the move by the Ruto led administration to deploy 1000 Police officers to Haiti to tackle criminal gangs that have terrorised the Caribbean country. The rulling will be made at Milimani Law Courts and will be closely followed by not only Kenyan government but also her partners Including the United States of America and the UN who had pushed for the deployment of the Kenyan security officers.


Third Way Alliance party leader Ekuru Aukot had rushed to court to block the move to send 1000 officers to Haiti saying that the move was a gross violation of the constitution. He had successfully secured a temporary orders barring the implementation of the move before the Nairobi court.

Azimio La Umoja -One Kenya Alliance through Raila Odinga had also condemned the plan to deploy the Officers to Haiti.


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