Fear and unrest has gripped residents of Eastleigh after a video depicting a brutal attack of a man at the backseat of a car that has been making rounds on social media.

The gang is alleged to be a notorious extremist group operating and wreaking havoc in the neighbourhood of Eastleigh through acts of violence.

In the video seen by Kenyans.co.ke, several gang members are seen attacking a man who is huddled inside the car. The identity of the vehicle remains a mystery.

In the video, the man is mercilessly handed blows on the head and chest by several members of a gang.

The violent show of brutality by organized groups is part of a broader trend of increasing extremist behaviour in the region.

Earlier, lawmaker Farah Maalim drew criticism after he made inflammatory rhetoric with repeated references to violence against civilians. He was later summoned to the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to answer to the charges.

On March 30, a gang shot and seriously wounded a businessman before making away with USD30,000, equivalent to Ksh3.8 million.

The incident that happened in broad daylight and was captured on CCTV showed two assailants on a motorbike intercepting the businessman who was on a motorbike going to BBS Mall to deposit the money.

Pressure is pilling from concerned residents of Eastleigh who are asking Kenyan law enforcement authorities to act swiftly and contain the violence.

Further calls are made to have the gang responsible for the brutal attack of a man depicted in the video arrested and brought to book. The spotlight remains on Kenyan authorities to intervene and suppress these dangerous extremist networks that threaten the stability of the region.

Eastleigh has been on the spot in the recent past over skyrocketing cases of violence on civilians by organized syndicates perpetrating extremism.

The rise of religion extremism in the country has been further compounded by troubling incidents of brainwashing and admission into gang groups including Somalia-based al Shabaab.

By Kenyans

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