Rue baby is a popular Kenyan socialite known by many.She goes by the name Celine Dion Okello in real life.She is one of the most significant people we have in Kenya.She enjoys modeling and is a fan of fashion.She is Akothee’s second born daughter.She simply gained fame because of her mother Akothee who is a popular musician and a business woman in Kenya.

Rue Baby today has celebrated Nelly Oaks birthday.

Nelly is Akothee’s former Ex-Lover.The two were once lovers but unfortunately,it all ended.

Fans online were so surprised when Rue baby celebrated Nelly Oaks during his birthday,most people commended her for celebrating Nelly’s birthday.She shared a photo of her together with Nelly having nice time together.

She accompanied the photo with the following caption.

“Happy birthday Nell.Have a blast”

by: dedox

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