Simon Kabu went ahead and stated that, just treated myself to a nice toy. In regard to that, the hospitality industry entrepreneur reminisced about his past as a tout.

He then went ahead and urged people to work harder. It was an encouragement that hard work with the hand of God always pays.

A netizen has alleged that, Have realized those who don’t know even whether tax exist complains a lot.bI hope Ruto can see the people he should be taxing by now.

Another has said, I like being a Tour’s and travel driver,hire me in your bonfire adventures and I will make you business more better..

More to that, there is another who has said, Some of us we don’t want to be rich. We want to be wealthy enough and to make sure we leave behind generational wealth for the one’s to follow.

It hasn’t been an easy journey though but we’ll get there some day.

by: Erkenya

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