Samidoh is a renowned Kikuyu Benga musician who has moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination within the shortest period. He is married to Eddy Nderitu who is his first wife and senator Karen Nyamu is his second wife.

Eddy Nderitu is a renowned business lady who became popular through her ex-husband Samidoh. She is among Kenyan celebrities who have moved to fame within the shortest period of love dramas between her and UDA Senator Karen Nyamu.

She parted ways with the father of her three kids and her legal husband Samidoh after Samidoh introduced Karen Nyamu as his official second wife.

After a few days after parting ways with Edday, Samindoh, and Karen are seemingly now enjoying their love life. Netizens have reacted positively to a photo of Karen Nyamu having a tattoo on the cheek bearing the name Samindoh. This was during the Thanksgiving event for CS Moses Kuria.


by: Mart254HotNews


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