Over the weekend, renowned activist Boniface Mwangi hosted his friends in his palatial home dubbed Courage base in Lukenya, Machakos County. Mwangi gave his followers a tour of the stunning abode that is set in close to the hills.

The fierce activist and politician amazed netizens as he shared a video of the beautiful interior of the house he recently moved into after years of construction.

”We hosted our friends, fellow “enemies of the state” at Courage Base yesterday,” he tweeted. The state-of-the-art home has a fancy living room that includes cozy leather seats, a huge TV screen, and a spacious dining room.

The multi-million home also has a fancy lawn outside and a gaming area where he has set up a pool table.

Among Mwangi’s friends who attended the party include activists Hanifa, Haki Africa CEO Hussein Khalid and veteran musician Eric Wainaina. The video that Mwangi posted sparked reactions after his followers started discussing his fancy lifestyle but he insisted that he earns an honest living.

”I earn an honest living. The government knows l don’t have any dirty money in my life. I will not stop living my life because of propaganda,” he responded to those questioning his lavish lifestyle.

By Nairobi

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