Eddy Nderitu is well known of her boldness in speaking the truth and her display of a strong and ambitious woman. She become more popular after her decision to move to United States of America following love dramas with her husband Samidoh. Since then she has earned respect and unwavering support from her fans despite Samidoh’s recent visit to USA.
Some hours ago she shared a photo of herself on her Facebook page and she caption the post with a script while saying that a praying woman is a super woman.
One of her followers commented on the post while telling Eddy to pray and still guard her house. The fan also told her to take her children to their father Samidoh and to stop moving them around. The fan added that Eddy’s children require father’s love and that Eddy should show them the correct path and they will never leave it. The fan told Eddy Nderitu to be a role model to her children. However, Eddy Nderitu has not reacted to the fan’s comment.