Judy Nyawira, a content creator, mentioned her exquisite Form Mumbus’s lone daughter made her first dollar at age seven. The young girl’s parents were forced to open a bank account for her after she took part in a brand deal that paid her KSh 36,000.
In a hilarious statement, Nyawira said that her lone child had called to ask if her money was still in her bank account. The proud and outspoken mother of YouTuber Abel Mutua, Judy Nyawira, has revealed when her daughter opened her first bank account.
The single mother opened up to Phil Karanja about her daughter Mumbus while they were discussing financial issues. Karanja enrolled at Tahidi High when? Both Karanja and Nyawira gave similar answers when asked why they opened their first bank accounts. “At the age of 20, I opened my first bank account.
I needed money because I had recently enrolled in Tahidi High. We received cash payments for the first few months, but eventually we received payments into an account,” Karanja stated. Why did the wife of Abel Mutua open a bank account? Since opening an account was the only way Nyawira’s mother could give her money, she said she did so when she started college.