On the Tuesday January 25 morning conversation, the topic of spouses accessing each others phones generated a heated discussion.
Mike Mondo was of the opinion that people should stay away from the others phone, while Mwalimu Kingangi told husbands that wives phones are public property, and should not have passwords.
‘It should not have a password in case watoto wanataka kucheza nayo, you shoudl be open especially if you are a married woman, I don’t think there is need to have a password on her phone hiyo nayo inafaa kuwa ya nyumba, simu yake ni ya kila mtu nyumba,simu ya jamii’
@fredric71756099 ‘No it’s coz we don’t want to die early na stress’
@NteereB ‘Ikuwe na password ya Nini? Ni simu ya watoto’
@Vetmurage ‘Women will do or try everything just to cry.. they don’t care about their happiness Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy leave your partner’s phone get peace Victory handDove of peace’