Tourists visiting Malindi town in Kilifi County can now see the ancient Vasco da Gama Pillar, which has been renovated and is now open to the public.The pillar has been in existence since 1498.A World Heritage Site, the pillar had been closed for almost two years to pave the way for its renovation and save it from erosion and possible collapse.On a tour of the site, which is under the National Museums of Kenya, visitors are greeted by an organised queue of vendors at the entrance to discourage hawking, a well-paved and decorated walkway inside, and the newly painted pillar, reinforced by a huge sea wall to prevent seawater from spilling onto the pillar.To bring sanity to the operations at the ancient pillar, National Museums of Kenya moved out hawkers from the site and are setting up a gate to ensure tourists enjoy their visit.

Some of the hawkers however got a reprieve after Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi gave out portable stalls for them to use outside the entrance for tourists to have ease of access to buying products.

National Museums of Kenya Curator in charge of Malindi Doris Kamuye said the Vasco Dagama Pillar was the oldest monument in Africa that was built in 1498 when the Portuguese was traversing the ocean to find the sea route to India.

It seems slabs of limestone were carried as ballast in the ships.The Coat of Arms of Portugal is still faintly visible, but unfortunately this Christian symbol caused grave discontent among the Muslim community and soon it was taken down.

Later however, after representation from the small Portuguese community that had by then established a trading post in Malindi, the Sultan permitted a pillar to be erected at its present site to hold the cross.

by: Rossy

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