Thorn melon is a fruit that most people dislike and it’s also unknown to many. Due to its appearance most people despise it despite not knowing its medicinal value. Dates fruit should be Incorporated into ones every day diet.
As a reference to its fruit ,it looks exactly as its name “thorn melon”. Its thorny and appears green when mature and orange when ripe.
Unlike other sweet tasty fruits, this thorny fruit does not serve to the liking of the taste bud of many people. This fruit has no aroma or taste due to its low sugar content. Despite its appearance,the thorny fruit has a dozen of nutritional and medicinal benefits.
Most people like eating it as a whole but if it becomes unbearable you might as well blend its juice ,as a cocktail or even cook it in your veggies.
Its benefits to the body are ;
It’s a vitamin C powerhouse and is a vital nutrient in our bodies that helps improve our immunity and health. It also help in lowering the severe symptoms of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure and ulcers
By Newsmedia