Growing up we were all subjected to rules or advise which at the time we got upset about.
But looking back now, alot of it was us being childish. Think about it. How many times were you shouted at to switch off lights? Now look at you and your tokens fighting Kenya Power and the cost of electricity.
Someone asked this question and got lots of relatable answers below.
Having food at home. Not going somewhere every weekend. Turning the lights off. Making up my bed.
Driving really late at night. People be on drugs or drunk!
Not getting takeout or delivery because we have food at home. Now that I’m paying for it, they’re right, I DO have food at home
Money not growing on trees This adulthood should be illegal
Picking my friends more carefully
Not letting my date until I was 17. I get it now. She knew I wasn’t ready for the games these fools play on naive young girls.
Not letting spend the night at anybody’s house. I was always the one who had to leave slumber parties and now I understand why. People are CRAZY!!!!
Not giving me rides to everywhere I wanted to go.
Not buying me a brand new car at 16.
Not letting me go anywhere with anyone unless they met their parents.
Telling me older MEN didn’t like me, they were just creepy “You have nothing in common w/ someone that much older”.
Praying about literally everything. I used to get so irritated when I had an issue and my mom would just be like “pray about it”.
I remember the day she told me that she prayed that God would remove bad influences from my life. I had just lost all my friends. I was furious Face with tears of joyLoudly crying face
The light bill.
Washing dishes and the light bill cause both be sending me into a frenzy
Turning off unnecessary lights
They used to make us wash our feet outside before we could enter the house after playing outside all day. I fully get it now!


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