When you are married but neither one of you wants to move in together, what do you do?
Each lives in their own home. That’s what we are learning from an interview that Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru does not live with her husband Kamotho Waiganjo.
They live in separate homes and get together on Sundays.
Here are the pros and cons of this marriage model.
Pros of Living Apart Together
More alone time, especially if you had a previous marriage
Your own space to do with as you please
A greater appreciation for one another
Appreciate siegz more
Reduces irritation and bitterness that comes from living with a loved one
Makes the relationship more interesting
Less likely to sacrifice their own interests for the happiness of the other
Fewer reasons and time for arguing
The ability to have companionship without being smothered by one another
Less conflict
More independence
Cons of Living Apart Together
It costs more to maintain two households if you have the same investments
Trust issues and Infidelity suspicions. Many responded that they wonder what Anne and Kamotho do on
weekdays before hooking up
You cannot have face to face chats about marital strife
If your spouse is sick, who takes care fo them at night in moments of need?


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