A young woman named Lucy Ambati, known for criticizing President William Ruto’s leadership on social media, claims she has been threatened by individuals she suspects are rogue state agents.

On Thursday, Ambati revealed that she received a disturbing phone call from an unknown number. According to her, the caller was a woman who confirmed her name before passing the phone to a man. The man reportedly warned her to deactivate her X account (formerly Twitter) if she wanted to live to see January 2025.

“I received a strange phone call. The woman asked my name, then handed the phone to a man who told me to deactivate my Twitter account if I want to see 2025,” Ambati wrote on her X account.

Since protests by Gen Z activists in June and July, critics have accused President Ruto’s government of using threats and intimidation to silence those opposing its policies, which they describe as oppressive. Additionally, the government has been accused of using abduction as a method to silence its critics.

By Nairobi

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