Video of former Citizen Radio host Jeridah Andayi and former Citizen TV’s reporter Kendagor Obadiah conversing one on one while in The United States of America (USA), has attracted mixed reactions from netizens. In the said video, Andayi had visited Obadiah in his home. She is clearly heard telling Obadiah to serve her enough meat with no bones. According to Andayi, she wanted Obadiah to ensure that meat she was going to feast on had no bones, because while in Kenya, she used to eat meat with bones, this time round while in the USA she wanted meat with no bones at all.
Upon seeing the above mentioned video on the official Facebook page of Jeridah Andayi, Kenyans online who have never seen Andayi’s husband, decided to ask her if Obadiah is the father to her children or not. Andayi has chosen not to reply them but rather read and consume what they are telling her as she remains silent. As Jeridah Andayi was busy telling stories and cracking some jokes with Obadiah, somewhere in the video, Obadiah is heard telling Andayi to eat ugali he had prepared for her, like a typical Luhya. A faction of her followers have reacted to this video upon hearing her saying how she was going to feast on what Obadiah had cooked for her.
We promise to keep you posted if Andayi will find it worth to respond to comments of her followers who have speculated that Kendagor Obadiah could be the father to her children.
This information has been highlighted on the official Facebook page of Jeridah Andayi. Kindly watch this video from 1 second.
By Nairobi