The Principal Secretary for Public Health and Professional Standards Mary Muthoni has finally revealed the cause of the disease that has been affecting people in villages of South Mugirango Constituency.

PS Mary Muthoni has revealed that the cause of the mysterious disease as the use of water from well which was contaminated with faeces.


Several medical groups from the Ministry of Health to World Health Organisation has been in South Mugirango to investigate what caused the disease and offer the necessary support which might be needed by the affected individuals.

The villages which have been affected are Nyabigege, Nyamarondo, and Nyarigiro.

The affected individuals are experiencing persistent diarrhoea, high fever, intense headache, vomiting and loss of appetite. They have been admitted at Tabaka Mission Hospital, Nyatike Level Two, Prina Hospital and Royal Hospitals for medical check ups and treatment.

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