Suba North member of parliament Millie Odhiambo had cleared the air on the role of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) in the government. This comes after a lot of people have been questioning the stand of the ODM in the Kenya Kwanza government after some ODM party members were appointed in various

Position by the president William Ruto after the broad based government which was formed by the president William Ruto after Gen Z brought down the country into mayhem which saw President William Ruto was forced to form new friendship with the opposition leader Raila Amallo Odinga to work closely.


“When people say that ODM is in the broad based government, i say no. We are working with the government, but we are not in any coalition agreement with the government,” Suba North member of parliament Millie Odhiambo stated. This comes after many people have been questioning if ODM is in government or not and what is their stand.

By Newshub

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