A video clip circulating on social media shows Kindiki addressing Taita Taveta leaders and taking a swipe at Ndindi Nyoro, who had earlier skipped his meeting with Murang’a MPs in Karen. “Chairman wa budget ni mtu mdogo. Huyo ni kama chief.” Kithure Kindiki told the leaders present, praising Ichungwah and comparing him to the county commissioner.
Gachagua’s ally has questioned why Kindiki would attack Ndindi Nyoro, a man who has been silent for months, citing rumors of a plan to remove Nyoro from his position as chairman of the budget committee.
“Chairman wa budget ni mtu mdogo. Huyo ni kama chief.” Why would Kindiki attack Ndindi Nyoro, a man who has been silent for many months? This comes in the wake of rumors of a plan to axe Ndindi Nyoro from the budget committee chairmanship.” Councilor Njohi who is Gachagua’s ally reacts
“A man who refers to another man as “mtu mdogo” does not deserve my respect. Oh, chiefs are valuable public servants in our communities. Show them some respect, at the very least.” Mulware said
“To his surprise, Kindiki invited all elected leaders from Murang’a county yesterday, but only three and one nominated MP appeared, hawa wengine walilenga.” Mwangi said.
“And who is Kindiki, a guy who has never broken his voice, a person who brings used and is dumped, the most useless DP we will ever have in history?” Timothy said.
“That’s not true. In the context of deputy President, it was not intended to denigrate Hon Ndindi Nyoro. However, we understand that Wamunyoro supporters can generate political capital from anything.” Anthony said.
“They have to wait until June for Ndindi to complete the budget implementation. Kuria Kimani of Molo will take over as budget chair in July, and KaWanjiku will chair the finance committee.” Ambrose said.
“Kenyans forget easily; Nyoro, for example, used to support this government tooth and nail. Allow the government he supported to eat him.” Vincent Otieno said.
By Kenyans