Chris Msando, whose death remains unforgettable, was brutally murdered in the run-up to the 2017 elections, leaving his family in agony from which they have never fully recovered. James Khwatenge, a former NIS officer, has recently offered his perspective on the murder, controversially describing it as more of a suicidal act. Drawing from his vast experience in security matters, Khwatenge explains why he views Msando’s death in this light.

According to Khwatenge, as the 2017 elections approached, Msando went on national television and declared that only his fingerprint could access the IEBC servers, disclosing highly sensitive information meant to remain confidential within the commission. At a time when both the Jubilee and NASA coalitions were fiercely competing for the presidency, such a statement, Khwatenge argues, was akin to professional suicide. Revealing critical access details heightened Msando’s vulnerability, making him a target for those seeking to manipulate the election results.

Another critical point raised by Khwatenge is Msando’s disregard for personal security. Despite holding a key position at the IEBC, he frequently moved without official protection. While security for top IEBC officials, including the chairman, had been significantly reinforced, Msando was seen walking alone, reportedly accompanied by a female companion on the night of his disappearance. Khwatenge notes that during such a tense period, IEBC officials’ movements should have been discreet and highly secured. By choosing to walk the streets without security, Msando exposed himself to potential enemies, a move Khwatenge describes as suicidal. Given that he was the only one with direct access to the servers, his actions placed him in grave danger.

Khwatenge’s characterization of Msando’s death as suicide raises important discussions about personal safety, professional judgment, and responsibility. However, many believe that this perspective does not excuse the perpetrators of the crime. Msando’s tragic demise remains a sobering reminder of the high stakes and risks involved in Kenya’s electoral processes.

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