Cases of abductions among the Gen Zs are happening everyday across the country. Although the government has distanced itself from that matter and calling for police to investigate the matter, most abductions are done on a broad daylight at some point in presence of police officers.

According to the latest news report by a reliable news source through X social media platform, another abductions case has been reported earlier today in Roysambu after armed men were captured forcing youth to enter in their vehicle.

The victim was rescued by members of the public forcing the detectives to leave him alone. In a viral video, the armed men suspected to be police officers were captured carrying bottle of alcohol while doing that abductions hence creating concern among Kenyans.

Kenyans on social media have shared their different opinions and thoughts concerning that incident whereby section of netizens have congratulated the locals for intervening on that issue. Here are some of the comments among Kenyans on social media platforms,

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