The shocking tale of Karanja David a popular Kikuyu benga musician has been making waves on social media platforms in recent weeks. Accusations have emerged against Epha Maina who allegedly disappeared with over two million Kenyan shillings that generous Kenyans had raised to help Karanja David secure a place to live. This scandalous revelation has left many wondering what led to the demolition of the musician’s house even before it’s completion.
It has been two years since the funds were raised to assist Karanja David in finding a place to call home yet to date he doesn’t have a house and he is a tenant. Recently a Kikuyu media outlet visited the area where the house was supposed to have been constructed. To their utter disbelief, they discovered that the land which was donated by Maono Lands was situated in a deserted area with no neighbors in sight.
Upon further investigation, the media team found nothing at the site where the house was supposed to have been built. Perplexed by this discovery, they decided to delve deeper into the matter by speaking with the local chief and district commissioner. The two government officials cast doubt on Epha Maina’s claims that bandits had demolished the house. Instead, they revealed that the mansion responsible for the house destroyed by mansion because Epha Maina failed to make the necessary payments.
The chief and district commissioner were adamant in explaining that bandits in the region primarily targeted livestock theft and not the destruction of homesteads. This disclosure further solidified the suspicion that Epha Maina’s explanation was nothing more than a cover-up for his own negligence and misappropriation of funds.
By Newsmedia