Paul Njoroge is a popular Kikuyu gospel musician and a social media influencer who is now trying to rebuild his music career after alcoholism almost ruined it to the core. Some hours ago he was live in interview where he talked about his life and how he ended up where he is today.

According to him, he left Kenya to UK when he was still young and he started talking alcohol. When he cane back to Kenya he married but after sometime he started taking alcohol again which was extreme. He was not only taking alcohol but he was also taking bhang. He said that as a result of alcoholism his first wife left him and she went with their two children to USA. He made it clear that so far he has married four wives.

He said that his first wife stood by him no matter how he mistreated her and he believes she made the right decision to leave him but she would have helped him regain her senses out of alcoholism. She went ahead and said he would even cheat on her for the three years they were together. She tried reaching out to her but she had already left Kenya and he gave up on her. This caused depression and that was when he went more deep into alcoholism.

After sometime he met another lady who got married to him but he was still missing his first wife. After two years she left him because she realized that she met a person she never expected since he thought Paul was a good man. He met the third wife and by that time he had changed and they stayed together for six years and gave birth to two children. He moved back to alcoholism which made the third wife leave him. He said that he doesn’t blame any of them because he was a very bad person.

That was when he thought about his life and he decided to look for a final wife and that was when he married his forth wife and together they have three children. He stopped taking alcohol and he decided to start his life afresh. He therefore apologized to all the wives especially the first wife and he blessed all his children.

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