Renowned TikToker Cindy found herself in a tense situation at Kisumu Airport when she went live on TikTok during the arrival of Ezekiel Otuoma’s body. The move angered a section of mourners, leading to a charged crowd confronting her. The situation escalated, with some accusing her of spreading controversial claims about Otuoma’s death and his widow, Rachel Otuoma. Videos circulating online show Cindy being shielded by a group of men as the agitated crowd demanded she leave. Witnesses said some residents reminded her she was not in Nairobi, warning her against attending the funeral. One mourner remarked, “This is Kisumu, not Nairobi,” while another added, “We advised her not to come.”

Cindy had previously caused a stir online when she went live on TikTok, raising allegations about Otuoma’s death and insinuating involvement by his widow. These accusations strained her relationship with Rachel, especially since the two were reportedly together on the day of Otuoma’s passing. Despite the heated exchange, Cindy later addressed the incident during another TikTok live session. She denied being physically assaulted and clarified that Rachel intervened, asking the crowd to let her be. Cindy maintained her stance on the issues she had raised, dismissing claims that she had any malicious intent.

The incident has sparked mixed reactions online, with some supporting Cindy’s right to speak out, while others criticized her timing and approach. The late Ezekiel Otuoma, a celebrated footballer, was widely mourned, with many calling for a respectful and peaceful send-off. Cindy’s actions have reignited discussions about the boundaries of social media content during sensitive moments.

By Nairobi

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