Catherine Kamau, widely known as Kate Actress, has voiced her concern over the increasing number of abductions in the country. In a heartfelt statement shared on her Instagram Stories, the actress called for urgent action and highlighted the emotional pain suffered by the families of those who have disappeared.
Kate urged the public not to ignore these cases, saying that many families are living in fear and uncertainty. “As you celebrate, please remember that many abductions are happening. It’s heartbreaking to imagine what these families are going through,” she wrote.
The popular actress did not shy away from criticizing the government, which she accused of failing to protect its citizens. She expressed her frustration, adding that the government’s lack of accountability is worsening the situation. “The absence of their loved ones is a constant reminder of how cruel and unjust this government is. This must stop!” she said.
Kate’s comments come after the recent abduction of three individuals—Billy Mwangi, Peter Muteti, and Bernard Kavuli. Reports suggest the three were taken after sharing AI-generated images online that criticized President William Ruto.
The actress’s message has sparked conversations online, with many Kenyans echoing her concerns and calling for action. Families of the missing individuals continue to plead for answers and justice.
Kate urged her followers to remain vigilant and to support efforts to address this alarming trend. She concluded her statement by calling for compassion and justice, saying, “No family should have to live with such pain. We need answers, and we need change.”
The rise in disappearances has drawn attention to human rights concerns in the country, with activists and citizens alike demanding urgent government intervention.
By K24