Some minutes ago Tuko news aired aired the story of a Kenyan lady, who talked about her painful experience in the hands of her husband who was a pastor. Her name is Emma Amara who was born in Nairobi and raised in Meru county. She is a nurse by profession and she is struggling to get her life back together after divorce.

She met her first love in August, 2021 and she thought because he was a man of God he would be very nice to her in marriage. The first person she met was a good man who was well composed and caring. She started paying the bills when they were dating but she didn’t see anything off with that. They stayed as friends for seven months before they turned out to be lovers.

One day her pastor called her in office and told her that the man had spirit of immortality. That was because the same man was also after her pastor’s daughter which made her start thinking twice. When she asked him about it the man denied the claims saying he was a man of God and he couldn’t do such a thing. After sometime the man was able to convince her again and they continued dating.

Later they started planning for their wedding and the man was always asking her for money. Whenever she asked him to pay back herl money he would give different excuses. She went ahead and gave him money for her dowry as a result of love. She ended up using more than half a million with him for their marriage to be successful.

After getting into marriage that was when she realized the man was completely broke and he was only playing with her mind. Later she realized the pastor was having affairs with different women which angered her very much. At the same moment she realized that she was pregnant which held her back to live with the man, since she wanted to raise her child in a complete family.

When she told him that she was pregnant the man appeared confused but on her side she was very happy. In marriage that was when she realized he was cheating with a lady pastor which made her feel she should end the marriage. She came to realize that the man married her because she was providing for him. As a result of a stressful marriage she suffered a miscarriage which left her in denial.

That was when she decided to end the marriage and she started living alone. The man was all over apologizing but she had made a decision of leaving the marriage. Watch the full video below and share your views with us.

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