Has Corazon Kwamboka re-ignited his relationship with his baby daddy Frankie Kiarie alias Just Gym It?
This is what netizens have been left asking themselves in the last one hour or so, after the fitness enthusiasts posted a beautiful photo of them together on their Instagram accounts.
Photo: Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Kiarie
It was actually a Christmas Day family photo, that showed how the Corazon Kwamboka and Frankie Kiarie had posed together with their son Taiyari Kiarie and Koko Kiarie.
They had all donned a red outfit that also had white colours, that resembled the famous one that Father Christmas usually wears.
The first photo showed how Corazon Kwamboka had carried Koko Kiarie, and Frankie Kiarie had carried Taiyari Kiarie.
By Kenyans