Some hours ago Njenga Njeru hosted a Kenyan lady on his show, who is looking for a husband despite being sixty one years old. Her name is Jane who was born in Bungoma county, but currently she is living in Nairobi county. She made it clear that she is currently single, after her marriage ended and they officially separated with her husband.

She added that she is 61 years old, and she has been single for around twenty years. She said that her marriage was toxic which led to the divorce, and she is a mother of two children who are adults living abroad. She explained that she is not looking for a perfect man, but she wants a man who can be perfect for her.

She is looking for a mature man, open minded, someone who genuine and ready to focus with only one relationship. The man should be from fifty years and above since she is ready to deal with a man who has already put his life in order. Her hobbies include music, dancing, cooking different meals and traveling both locally and abroad.

She said that she is financially stable and the man should also be doing something with his life. She also said that she is not too much into religion, despite being a Christian for a very long time. Watch the full video below and share your views with us.

By Newshub

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