President Ruto has woken up to morning shocker Just a day after he insisted that the countrywide livestock vaccination must proceed as planned following his government’s directive.

This is after the Kenya Veterinary Association rejected the planned vaccination calling for it’s suspension amid many questions related to the exercise which President William Ruto’s government has failed to answer.

Kenya Veterinary Association now demands that the government should explain to the public matters to do with the details of the funding for the exercise, the disease which the livestock are to vaccinated against.

Kenya Veterinary Association also argued that the nationwide vaccination is ill advised since the diseases affecting livestock varies from various regions in Kenya.

“Kenya Veterinary Association opposes livestock vaccinationAssociation says exercise shrouded in secrecyVeterinary doctors want planned vaccination suspended” states the reports.

The Association has instead advised the government to divert the huge allocations of billions of shillings for the exercise which is not open to the public, to other issues affecting the livestock in the country.

This hard stance comes after President William Ruto asked those opposing the idea of vaccination to spare the government from their ignorance and let the exercise proceed as planned.

President William Ruto went ahead arguing that the vaccination of the animals is not dangerous thing since even the human beings also undergo the vaccination and they still live.

“There is no one in Kenya who hasn’t been vaccinated. Surely, if it’s not dangerous to vaccinate human beings, how can it be dangerous to vaccinate animals? – President Ruto.”

By Nairobi

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