Governor Abdulswamad took the opportunity to honour the Kenya Navy on behalf of the County Government of Mombasa and its people as the service marked its 60th anniversary at the Kenya Navy Base in Mtongwe.”This remarkable milestone reflects the unwavering dedication, patriotism, and professionalism of the Kenya Navy in safeguarding our nation’s sovereignty and securing our territorial waters,” the Governor stated.

Over the past six decades, the Kenya Navy has not only defended Kenya’s maritime borders but has also significantly contributed to the advancement of the country’s blue economy, which remains a key pillar of national development.

“As we commemorate this historic occasion, we celebrate the resilience and valor of the men and women of the Kenya Navy, whose commitment to duty ensures peace and security along our coast and beyond,” Abdulswamad added.

He affirmed that Mombasa County remains proud to host such a distinguished institution and stands ready to support its continued growth and success.

Among notable attendees was retired Major General Mohamed Badi, whose two-year tenure as Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) Director General ended in October 2022.Following the transfer of NMS functions back to the Nairobi County Government under Governor Johnson Sakaja, Badi was appointed Base Commander at Moi Air Base in Eastleigh, Nairobi.

The retired Major General had previously served as a United Nations staffer during the 1999 Sierra Leone Peacekeeping mission.

While at NMS, Badi oversaw major infrastructure projects, including the construction of an asphalt plant along Kangundo Road, which facilitated the upgrading and re-carpeting of city roads.

Governor Abdulswamad concluded with heartfelt congratulations: “May the Kenya Navy continue to shine as a beacon of excellence and dedication in service to our great nation.”

By Newshub

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