The Gura River in Kenya is thought to flow the quickest in Africa among potamologists, or individuals who study rivers. The Gura River rises deep within the Aberdare Mountains before emptying into the 300-meter tower known as the Gura Falls, which is regarded to be the tallest waterfall in Kenya.

The fact that most Kenyans are unaware that their country is home to the continent’s fastest river is not particularly shocking.

The River Tana weaves its way past farmland, beneath bamboo canopies, and through a maze of woodland as it travels through a variety of districts in the counties of Nyandarua and Nyeri.

The River Tana spills into the blue seas of the Indian Ocean, where many rivers sacrifice their souls, but it always seems to be in a hurry and eager to let go of the responsibilities that it bears from other, smaller rivers.

I appreciate you reading this interesting article, dear reader.

By Newshub

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