Bonfire Adventures co-founder Sarah Kabu has responded to the controversy after a video went viral that showed her evicting a woman from her house during a heated argument. In a direct response, Sarah has disclosed startling information about her private life and asked her husband, Simon Kabu, to identify the enigmatic woman.

A Viral Video Arouses Interest

Sarah may be seen violently evicting a woman from her home in the contentious footage that went viral earlier this week. Although Simon Kabu can be seen stepping in to defuse the tension, the video has generated a lot of conjecture. The woman was first described as Sarah’s housekeeper in online narratives, a notion that Sarah strongly refuted.

Sarah introduced her two seasoned housekeepers in a video statement, stressing that neither was involved in the fight. She described the incident as a “smear campaign” that was intended to damage her reputation.

“From Freedom to Misri”

Sarah revealed that she no longer lives in her married home, which she compared to “Misri” (Egypt), a representation of oppression and adversity. With a biblical undertone, she disclosed that she had moved to a more tranquil area of Nairobi, saying, “I left Pharaoh’s house for a place of peace.”

The Leaked CCTV Question

Concerned about the CCTV footage that was leaked, the businesswoman claimed that her husband was the only person with access to the system. The mystery was heightened when Sarah insisted that Simon identify the woman and tell us who released the footage.

The Silent Cryptography of Simon Kabu

Fans are wondering about Simon’s position after he posted heart emoticons on social media without providing a direct remark.

Both admirers and detractors have voiced their opinions as the incident has rekindled discussions about the couple’s well-known relationship. Some support Sarah’s call for openness, while others advise the couple to settle their differences in private.

Kenya continues to watch the drama unfold, wondering if the Kabus would reconcile or if this is just another phase of their well-publicized marital problems.

By Ghafla

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