Former Prime Raila Odinga’s daughter Winnie Odinga paid a visit to Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba and her newborn child to wish them well, a week after she gave birth in one of the local prestigious hospitals. Taking to her social media account, Gloria shared a photo posing with Winnie alongside her child in her residence and thanked her for the visit. She further made fun of those seeking to know the father of her child.

”Wapi wale online DCI wanashinda wakiulizia baba ya mtoto( where are those nosy people who keep on asking about the father of my child? Let all who care to understand that there can only be one Baba! Otherwise Winnie Odinga ameleta salamu na diapers. Goodnight,” she posted.

The identity of the man behind Senator Orwoba’s pregnancy remains a mystery amid endless speculations on social media. Gloria prefers to keep her love life under wraps, leaving social media users questioning who the father of her newborn child is.

By Kenyans

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