In a renowned Swahili documentary, Martha, a woman from Nairobi, shared an incredibly surprising story. Tears welled up in her eyes as she recounted her mother’s betrayal.
Martha stated that she was brought up by her mother by herself. Throughout her life, she has encountered various experiences, such as being subjected to abuse by a pastor and being in a harmful relationship. Her husband physically abused her, resulting in her having a black eye that she had to show at work daily.
Martha recently discovered that her mother and husband were meeting and getting intimate when she was away at work. Martha discovered that the man was showing a deep interest in both her mother and her.
After discovering her mother’s affair with her husband on multiple occasions, she ultimately chose to end the relationship. Furthermore, the man relocated to live with her mother. Martha lives independently in a specific city estate, whereas her mother resides with her spouse. The man still mistreats her mother even after they have gotten married and seem to be happy together.
By Nairobi