Investigation and autopsy reports regarding the death of actress and content creator Tabitha Gatwiri have intimated, that she may have died from other reasons other than the ones that have been flouted online. There are people who have claimed that she died out of stress going by her last video, some have claimed that she even died out of food poisoning and so on.

But a source now reveals that Gatwiri has fallen down one day when her mother was at her house and that everyone was shocked. That her sisters were forced to stay and take care of her after that, though on the fateful days she met her death, they were not around.

From the doctors report, Gatwiri died due to lack of oxygen supply to the brain and that she also used to take a lot of painkillers which eventually contributed to her death. Also, it is said that they got into an accident with her brother back in the year but never went for checkup as they didn’t have any physical injuries. So maybe she got an internal injury them.

By Newshub

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