Kenyan comedian Njugush’s young son, Tugi, recently impressed fans after saving an impressive KSh 10,000 in his piggy bank over a year and choosing to spend it on family toys. In a heartwarming story that quickly went viral, Tugi’s savings and decision to spend them thoughtfully showcased both his discipline and generosity at a young age.Njugush’s son Tugi and his mum Wakvinye at toy shop (l). Tugi picks a toy from the shelf (r).

Tugi’s savings journey, shared on his family’s social media platforms, demonstrated his determination as he diligently put away small amounts of money over the year. When it was finally time to break open his piggy bank, the amount revealed was a surprising KSh 10,000, a testament to his patience and commitment. But it was Tugi’s choice on how to spend his savings that truly melted fans’ hearts: he used the money to buy toys that he could enjoy with his family, underscoring the value of sharing and togetherness.

Njugush and his wife, Wakavinye, praised their son for his thoughtful spending, sparking positive reactions from fans across social media. Many noted that Tugi’s gesture was not only endearing but also set an excellent example of both saving and the joy of giving, especially at a young age.

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