A touching video featuring Nyaboke Moraa and her friends has emerged from the living room of her late father-in-law, Benard Aende Ogada.
In the heartfelt footage, Mr. Ogada speaks directly to Moraa, and emotions run high as tears begin to flow down her cheeks.
The moment captures the deep bond between Moraa and her father-in-law, highlighting the profound sense of loss felt by the family.
As Mr. Ogada shares his thoughts, his words resonate with love and wisdom, reflecting the strong family values he instilled in those around him.
The scene is a poignant reminder of the impact he had on their lives and the cherished memories they will carry forward.
The video has touched many viewers, evoking a sense of empathy and sorrow for the family during this difficult time.
Comments flooded in from friends and followers, expressing their condolences and sharing their own memories of Mr. Ogada.
As the family continues to mourn his passing, they find solace in the love and support from their community, honoring his legacy while navigating their grief. May he continue to rest in peace, remembered fondly by all who knew him.
By Newsmedia