Details have emerged of the sudden death of a form one student at Mahiga girls high school, who have since been identified as Angeline Kirigo. The parents of Angeline Kirigo were expecting to reunited with their daughter, during the holiday, but their plans were cut short by her death.According to reports, posted on the official Facebook page, of, Angeline Kirigo, fell sick while in school, and was rushed to the hospital. Her mother, was informed of the situation of her daughter, and when she visited her in the hospital, she found that she had already died. This has now sent the family of Angeline Kirigo, into a mourning mood.According to further reports, her father admitted that he had talked to her daughter, just hours before, and her daughter was jovial, and excited to reunite with family members during the holiday. From our news desk, we take this opportunity to wish that the soul of Angeline Kirigo, may rest in peace.
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