Drama and surprise unfolded at Gikomba Market when a businesswoman, who had just withdrawn KSh 20,000 from an M-Pesa agent, fell victim to a bizarre trick. The grocer, carrying the money in an envelope, encountered an unknown woman on her way back. The stranger briefly touched the envelope, and the businesswoman, unaware of any foul play, continued on her way.
It wasn’t until later that the grocer made a discovery—the money in the envelope had mysteriously turned into newspaper cuttings, sized like actual currency. By the time she realized it, the mysterious woman was long gone, leaving the victim baffled and distraught.
This incident has left marketgoers in disbelief, with some speculating that the woman might have been a victim of a well-known trick used by con artists. Local traders are now urging others to be vigilant when handling money in public places, warning that such scams are becoming more common in busy areas like Gikomba Market. Authorities are yet to apprehend the suspect.
By Global News