In a certain video, a man of God is heard saying that he was not born like other people. During the time of his birth, the legs came first, unlike other babies, where legs come first during birth.

Apostle Waruigi Ndura also revealed that after birth, the nurses were so afraid because he had small teeth and a cord that was on his neck just like a chain. Waruigi Ndura is a cultic leader and he mostly follows traditions and customs.

According to Ndura Waruigi, such abnormalities are viewed by people as bad omens. He gave an example that in the Maragori Community, giving birth to twins is a bad omen.

Waruigi Ndura said that all these stories came from his mother, who told him everything from scratch. Since he was born differently, Waruigi Ndura is a traditionalist.

By Newshub

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