Bradley Marongo, gigantic man dubbed as “Gen Z’s Goliath” has been trending after his photos surfaced during the Anti-finance Bill protests. Marongo, 27-year old, who hails from Majengo in Vihiga county, Western Kenya region had a privilege to be interviewed at Citizen TV today morning.

Marongo’s presence at citizen TV saw him attracting attention of workers at the studio, including Jeff Koinange. During the short interview, 8 feet tall Marongo shared that during his school days, his body gave him a privilege of being the school head boy and this helped him fight bullying.

Matongo revealed that he is a family man with a wife and two daughters, though they live in the village. How he came to Nairobi, Marongo was connected by his friend who works at Climax bus.

On how he gets fitting clothes, Marongo shared he finds it difficult to get them. He is forced to wear basketball attires as they are the only ones that fit him. He has never got a pair of trousers that fit him. He also has never worn a suit. He also added that he has never worn shoes as getting a pair that fits him is impossible. He has two pairs of sandals as per now. He puts on shoes number 48.

Jeff Koinange promised to have him get his first ever pair of shoes, which will have to be customized.

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