Reuben Kigame is a house hold name in the gospel industry for his uplifting music, but away from music he is a husband and a father; a role he greatly enjoys.
Unknown to many Kigame is a widower who has since remarried. He is also a father of four – out of the four are three girls whom he bore with his first wife.
The fourth child, a boy, is his only child with his current wife Julie whom he speaks of fondly. He is among the most accomplished blind artistes in Africa after losing his sight aged three.
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Reuben Kigame
He spoke about his relationship in an interview herd by classic 105.
“When I first met my wife Julie, I was not attracted to her in a s3xual way. However she was known by my kids and they had created a rapport with her.
I asked them if they would be ok with me bringing in someone else as a mother.
Their liking for Julie got to me overtime and since ni msichana ameokoka na my family knew her it was easier.
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My kids are all grown up. My first-born got married last year. I also have a daughter in Moi Girls, she is in form 2.
I look at her and see God. She was 2 yrs at the time of the accident that claimed my wife. She was being taken to hospital but that journey never materialized.”
Reuben Kagame
On disciplining his kids, he says
“I talk to them once twice and after that, that is when I discipline them with a cane. Past ten years I don’t use the cane.
My relationship with my girls is so good even when they visit the salon I am the first person they come to flaunt it to.
If God has given you children always take time to take care of your kids so that they are not brought up by someone else.”