Monitoring your blood pressure is essential for maintaining good health and preventing dangerous conditions like a heart attack, stroke, or renal disease. However, if you make any mistakes when taking your blood pressure, it may be difficult to acquire an accurate measurement. These typical errors can be readily avoided while taking your own blood pressure in order to prevent erroneous readings.

Incorrect sleeve cuff measurement

Using the right-sized cuff is essential for obtaining reliable results, claims WebMD. If the cuff is either too tiny or too large, the measurement might not be precise. A blood pressure cuff that is too small can result in falsely high readings, and a cuff that is too large can result in falsely low readings. To prevent inaccurate readings, choose a cuff size that fits your arm comfortably.

A reading without taking a break

Give yourself a minimum of five minutes to rest before collecting any measurements. Because blood pressure rises with activity, getting a reading right after exercise or other forms of movement could be deceptive. You can acquire a more accurate reading by relaxing for at least five minutes prior to measuring your blood pressure.

Before reading, avoid caffeine and smoking.

While stimulants like caffeine and nicotine can momentarily raise blood pressure, taking a reading right away can result in an unreliable measurement. Before taking your blood pressure, it is best to wait at least 30 minutes after drinking caffeine or nicotine.

not having several readings

To get an exact reading, take many. This explains why if your doctor suggests taking your blood pressure more than once. Individual findings may vary. Take two readings that are separated by at least a minute in order to get an accurate blood pressure reading.

wrong placement

A bad position could lead to a bad readout. Make sure you are seated upright in a chair and flat on the floor. Place your arm on a table or other flat surface so that it can rest close to your heart. Don’t cross your legs and keep calm while we measure you. The possibility of incorrect readings can be reduced with accurate positioning.


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