Gospel minister Ruth Matete is looking forward to her cute daughter Reyna Toluwa turning a year older.
The two relocated to Canada last year.
She has been studying, and in June the singer shared a video in class, enjoying a snack while hinting that she went back to school. What we did not know was what she was studying.
“Huku tunakula tu Tukiwa class. 😂😂#school #class #backtoschool”
In her latest update about her education journey, Matete informed netizens that she is studying Nursing.
“Just three years and am done. Sipendi masomo aki. Woii!! ” using a Nursing hashtag , #singingnurse, #school.She also showed a textbook she was reading with the topic ‘Planning Reporting and Recording Client care.
She also provided an update about a major step her daughter in taking in a few months’ time.
Toluwa has been in daycare, and in September, the little tot will join school officially.
Toluwa will turn 4 years in October.
“She is so tall now. Slightly above my waist now. Starting school in September. To God be the glory”
Ruth is certainly enjoying life and has gained weight that one fan thought to share her unsolicited opinion.
Instagram user mwakiograce2 commented about Ruth’s body
“I see another baby 👏👏” which the singer did not take kindly to.
She told her off
“Jamani is it that serious? Gosh! Aki when you enter rest, you just add weight. I thank God. Baby number two hata Mimi nataka sana. But it’s not yet time. Wacha tutafute pesa ya kulea kwanza. ❤️”
By Mpasho