Governors, Cabinet Secretaries and a section of members from the World Bank who attended the launch of Kenya Urban Support Programme inside State House Nairobi broke into laughter after President Ruto revealed his conversation with Chairperson of Council of Governors Ann Waiguru.
Ruto who presided over the launching of programme inside State House revealed that Waiguru who is also the governor of Kiriyanga county doubted whether they will be able to get the loans from the lending institution as promised.
According to Ruto, Waiguru was seemingly seeing the procedure that is provided by the institution to be followed in order to get the loans as very long and tiresome that the devolved units may not be able to follow in order to get the funds. Waiguru was also concerned with the conditions attached to the money.
“I like the conditions that has been attached to this money. I was speaking to the chairperson of the governors and she was telling me that it looks like we will never get this money.” Ruto said followed by loud laughter from his audience.
Ruto also urged the governors to work hard so that they do not depend on loans from world bank and other financial lending institutions going forward.