Grieving widow Manzi wa Kibera didn’t attend husband’s burial that took place Wednesday, May 1. In a leaked video online, only a few people attend the burial ceremony at Langata Cemetery.
Sammy Ndunda Nzuki was given a simple burial ceremony. Chali wa Kibera emerged only to reveal Manzi wa Kibera aka Wambo was not part of the ceremony.
He is her manager.
“I just want to inform you that Mzee Nzuki was buried today at Langata and there was no media presence because the family didn’t want like media, walikuwa tu wanataka kupatia mzee a decent send-off without cameras,” he explained.
“Even though I have some few videos and pictures but I just want to let you know that mzee was buried today in Langata with his family and me or Manzi wa Kibera nobody wasn’t invited and I totally understand because maybe walidhani tukienda tunaeza enda na watu wa media.”
He shared details of their next move,
“Maybe tutafind time yetu ya kwenda kuangalia kaburi which walisema ni sawa,” he briefly informs.
By Mpasho