On Monday morning Kenyans woke up to sad news about the flash floods that happened in Mai Mahiu. Earlier reports said that the water that caused the accident were from an Old Dam at the top of the escarpment. However, reports later found out that there was no such dam called Kijabe Dam and it has never existed.

It was said that the water came from a clogged railway tunnel that has remained unused for years. The tunnel has been accumulating flood waters for the last couple of days and on Monday the waters become too much and flowed down the escarpment. Those that have visited the area before have shared the photos of the tunnel on the internet. The photos are as shown below;

Rescue operations are still on because there are still several people trapped in the rubbles. Most are however feared dead. Those that have been saved are getting treatment at the Naivasha hospital. Some places have become difficult to access because of the steep slopes making it difficult for rescue teams to save those that could be trapped there.

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